Wednesday 17 July 2013

General Hints

Here are some really useful hints that can help you in a lot of games

1. You don't have to play. In some games (not timed ones of course), you can have a look at the board layout and then exit without playing and you won't lose a life. It's worth looking ahead sometimes at the moves available to you that can get you a good head start. Particularly when you have to smash the stuff that needs 5 shots to destroy, look for opportunities to match 3s against a row of them.

2. Look at the big picture. Sometimes it's better to focus less on the specific tasks you need to complete, but rather on the sorts of things you need to do that will get those tasks complete. It's not one piece of jelly or fruit but the moves that will obliterate lots of them, and cause cascading moves.

3. Work the bottom of the screen. Matching candies at the bottom increases the chance of cascading falls that lead to more matches, which lead to more matches, etc etc. Look for opportunities to do whenever you can.

4. Know a hard level before you start. If you have lots of Facebook friends playing (assuming a reasonable number are ahead of you), seeing the ladder before you start a level is very useful. If the top scores are a lot higher than the target score, it's often a situation that once you complete the goal, it will go nuts matching and boosting. On the other hand, if they are all in a cluster not that much higher than the target, then you know it's going to be a very difficult one (e.g. 97 and 182).

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